Tel: 09 428 2185

Haul Out & Hardstand Terms & Conditions

Yard Manager Mob027 255 0203   Email:

Terms & Conditions for Operation and Safety Rules for Haul Out, Hard Stand and Grid


All activities and tasks on the ramp, handstand, and grid area must prioritise the safety of individuals and the public nearby, adhering to Club, Auckland Council, Environmental, Health & Safety, and other applicable regulations.

The Yard Manager or any Committee Member has the authority to halt any operation or work deemed unsafe. Work will only resume once the safety concern is satisfactorily resolved to the Yard Manager's or Committee Member's satisfaction.

Key Rules for Haul Outs, Hardstand, and Grid Usage:

  1. Skippers are permitted to work on their boats in the hardstand between the following hours:

       a. Monday-Saturday: 7:30am - 8pm

       b. Sunday: 10am - 6pm

  1. Please follow all safety instructions posted on the designated board in the hardstand area

  2. Declare any hazardous substances stored on your boat to the Yard Manager and provide the corresponding material safety data sheets (MSDS) for proper handling in case of spills or ingestion.

  3. Skippers must remain aware of others working in the hardstand and prioritize everyone's safety.

  4. Sleeping or living on boats in the hardstand or on the grid is prohibited.

  5. No alcohol consumption is allowed while working in the hardstand or on the grid.

  6. Parking in the yard is not permitted unless pre-arranged with the Yard Manager.

Non-compliance with these rules may result in permanent suspension from using the hardstand and the grid.

Haul Out/Re-Launch Process and Responsibilities:

Before Your Haul Out: Ensure you have completed the following before your scheduled haul out:

  1. Read, sign, and email the Haul Out Agreement to the Yard Manager.

  2. Attach a copy of your valid insurance certificate to the agreement. The certificate must show current and full comprehensive coverage.

  3. Complete payment for the haul out prior to your scheduled date.

  4. The Skipper must enlist capable assistants to help with both the haul out and re-launch.

  5. Boats exceeding 8 tonnes and/or 10 meters in length WILL require an official weight certificate.

  6. If you require use of the jetty, pre-book it online through the booking form.

On the scheduled date and time:

  1. The Skipper and assistants will help the Yard Manager assemble the cradle on the trailer.

  2. During the pre-arranged low tide, the Skipper will assist the Yard Manager in lowering the trailer down the ramp.

  3. When the tide allows the boat to float onto the cradle (typically at high tide), the Skipper and assistants will position the vessel onto the cradle for haul out. Once securely positioned, the Skipper will give consent to begin the haul out.

Safety During Haul Out:

The Yard Manager is responsible for ensuring the safety of the operation and the public during the haul out. This includes:

  1.  Closing the ramp to other users.

  2.  Directing the public to maintain a safe distance.


  1.  A minimum of 3 business days' advance booking is required for re-launch. If your re-launch requires less than 3 days' notice, full payment is due upfront.

  2.  The Skipper must be present at the pre-arranged launch time. If the Skipper is not present, the vessel will not be launched, and a relaunch fee will apply.

  3.  The Skipper and assistants are required to be present onboard the vessel for the entire re-launch process and are solely responsible for the vessel during this time.

Skipper-Owned Cradles/Trolley Guidelines

Skippers are welcome to use their own cradle or trolley for haul out and re-launch, provided they follow these guidelines:

  1. You must obtain written approval from the Yard Manager before using your cradle or trolley.

  2. Deliver your cradle to the yard no earlier than 7 days before your scheduled haul out and remove it within 7 days after your re-launch. Cradles left outside this window will incur yard storage fees until removed.

  3. The Yard Manager will perform a thorough inspection of your cradle or trolley, including:

    a. Visual inspection for defects or excessive rust.

    b. Assessment of the structure's ability to safely carry your vessel's weight.

    c.  Evaluation of the cradle or trolley's stability during the haul-out operation.

  4. The Yard Manager's approval does not absolve you, the Skipper, of responsibility for the adequacy and safety of your cradle or trolley under Stillwater Boating Club's haul-out conditions.

  5.  If the Yard Manager disapproves the use of your cradle or trolley due to safety concerns, it cannot be used. You will be required to remove it from the hard stand and the Stillwater Boating Club area within 7 days. Storage fees will continue to accrue for unremoved cradles after this timeframe.

  6. If you disagree with the Yard Manager's assessment, you may provide a "Certification of Fitness for Purpose" from a chartered civil or mechanical engineer. This certificate must be dated after the Yard Manager's initial disapproval an address the specific concerns raised.


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