Tel: 09 428 2185

Stillwater Boating Club Rules, Minutes and Disciplinary Procedures

Club Rules

This club house is intended for the general relaxation of members, committee meetings and club activities.

The following Rules are to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for our members and their visitors and to comply with current liquor licensing requirements and will be enforced by the Duty Bar Manager, the Club Captain and/or committee members:

  • Offensive language or behaviour by members or their guests will not be tolerated.
  • Persons under the age of 18 will not be served alcohol, it is illegal to purchase alcohol for anyone under 18 years of age unless you are their parent or legal guardian.
  • Intoxicated persons will not be served alcohol and will be asked to leave the premises
  • No alcohol to be brought onto the premises, or the area defined as the licensed premises or to take any alcoholic purchases off the premises.
  • A reasonable standard of dress is required, no wet weather gear, no soiled work boots, no bathing suits, bare feet or bodies unless a Flag Officer or Club Captain has granted special dispensation.
  • Members using the club house must carry their membership cards at all times and present them on request.
  • All visitors MUST be signed in by a financial club member. This member will be responsible for the visitors conduct for the duration of their visit. The visitor’s book is situated next to the bar.
  • Children will be the responsibility of their caregivers who are to ensure that their behaviour does not upset other members anywhere within the club premises.
  • Dogs are not permitted in the designated licensed areas as per our licence during opening hours. This includes the deck and grassed areas around the club house.
  • The Club Captain, any flag committee member or the Duty Bar Manager reserve the right to decide what constitutes serious misconduct relating to the responsibilities set down in the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012 or the club rules. Any instances of serious misconduct by a club member or their visitors will result in an immediate banning from the premises pending disciplinary proceedings. The club member or the club member signing in the offending visitor will be asked to attend the first available meeting of the club’s disciplinary committee.

Disciplinary Panel

1. Business of the disciplinary panel: There shall be a disciplinary panel whose business shall be to determine complaints against club members of conduct affecting the good order, responsibility or the well-being of the club. The member who is the subject of the complaint is called the respondent and the disciplinary panel is called the panel.

2. Members of the disciplinary panel: The panel shall consist of four members, the Commodore, Vice Commodore and two non-committee members elected at the club’s AGM. The chairman shall be the club’s Commodore, and in his absence the club’s Vice Commodore. Any decision of the disciplinary panel must be a clear majority decision. In the absence of any members of this panel other committee members can be appointed to take their place.

3. Convening a disciplinary panel: The club Commodore or in his absence Vice Commodore will convene a meeting of the disciplinary committee when either a letter of serious complaint is received by the club Secretary from another financial member of the club or a notice of banning has been served by the Duty Bar Manager on a member of the club under the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. If the latter has been served this banning shall remain in place until the panel has convened to consider further penalty if necessary.

4. Panel Procedure: The panel shall meet to consider each complaint made to it and may set its procedure for doing so as it sees fit. Meetings of the panel shall be held “in committee” to preserve the rights of both parties, the respondent and the panel. Nevertheless both have the right to call witnesses to the event to assist in establishing the facts of the breach. Neither the respondent nor the panel will have the right to an audience, nevertheless, the panel will at all times act fairly and without bias in any decision made.

5. The Duty Bar Manager: The Duty Manager will have the right to ban anyone via a formal banning notice (a "bluey", or trespass notice) for a minimum period of one month or until the disciplinary panel can be formed to hear the reasons for the banning if there is a clear breach of the Sale and Supply of Alcohol Act 2012. The panel may decide to further increase the period of banning after establishing the facts surrounding the offence. The panel has the right to call the Duty Manager as a witness on behalf of the club. The respondent has also the right to call a witness.

6. Panel Decisions: At the time of meeting the panel may -

a. Decline to uphold the complaint and impose no penalty

b. Suspend the membership of the respondent for such period as the panel sees fit

c. Expel the respondent from membership of the club

d. With the consent of the respondent, impose an alternative penalty

e. In the case where the respondent has signed in another member and that person has caused the breach then 6(a) to (d )will apply to the financial member who has signed them in.    

7.  Notification: The panel will promptly notify its findings and decisions to the respondent and the club via a written notice.

8. Appeal: The respondent with have right of appeal up to fourteen days from penalty notification from the club. All notices of appeal to club penalty shall be in writing to the club Secretary. The appeal should state the reasons of appeal and any objections to the penalty that has been imposed and the grounds of the appeal. The panel has the right to consider the appeal as it sees fit but should notify the respondent in writing of any further decision made. The decision of the panel shall be final and binding on that member.


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